My NEW BOOK: NFTs Unmasked: 100 Offline Marketing Strategies for Non-Fungible Token Success: Think Outside the Metaverse – Practical Tips for Authentic Community

This week, I am happy to share that I published a new book about marketing art, including prints and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). The book is a step-by-step guide to bringing digital art into the physical world. There are 100 strategies, each with its bulleted guide on making it happen.

If you know, you know, but for those who don’t, Art NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, represent a revolutionary intersection of art and blockchain technology. An NFT is a unique digital certificate of ownership for a specific piece of digital or traditional art, utilizing blockchain to verify authenticity and provenance.

This innovation has given artists a decentralized and transparent platform to tokenize their work, ensuring that each piece is distinct and traceable. NFTs enable artists to monetize their creations directly, as ownership transfers can occur seamlessly through smart contracts. This direct relationship between artists and buyers eliminates the need for intermediaries, allowing creators to receive fair compensation for their work.

Furthermore, NFTs empower artists by providing them with greater control over the distribution and pricing of their art. The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that the ownership record is secure and cannot be tampered with, enhancing the overall value and authenticity of the artwork. As a result, many artists view NFTs as a groundbreaking tool that not only facilitates a more direct connection with their audience but also offers a novel and lucrative avenue for artistic expression in the digital age.

I’m one of those artists. Although I have created and sold art for decades, Anyhow, if you’re interested or know someone who is, here is the new book listed on Amazon.

EP 9 – Are You Falling Gracefully Into Winter?

To everything, turn, turn, turn.

I hope you enjoy this week’s 5-minute podcast. This will be the last episode of 2023. The pod will resume on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at 9 am Pacific.

Thank you so much. I appreciate your support.


Happy Holidays to you and yours.

~ Cheri

EP 8 – What in the World is a Hybrid Memoir? … And More About My Book

This week’s five-minute, mini-podcast episode, “What in the World is a Hybrid-Memoir?”

In this episode, I will explain a hybrid memoir, as well as share more details about my upcoming book, The Truth About Sissy.

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EP 4 – How to Trigger Memories for Your Book

Do you have a hard time remembering portions of your past? This might help!

EP 4 – How to Trigger Memories for Your Book Listen now (5 mins) | The Truth About Sissy Podcast with Cheri Wilson

Book Excerpt 2 – The Truth About Sissy

“In the hushed corridors of our family history, there lingered a silent secret—a tightly wound spool of whispers and half-truths that had spanned generations. It was a tapestry of veiled glances, cryptic conversations, and the unsung stories that had taken refuge in the shadows of our shared past. As fate would have it, the hands of time began to gently unravel the threads, revealing a truth that had long been guarded in the recesses of our familial tapestry.”

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Embracing the Pen: A Journey of Self-Discovery in My Fifties


In a world that often associates youth with creativity and innovation, I’ve recently found myself embarking on a remarkable journey of self-discovery. Deciding, at fifty-five, to pursue my lifelong dream of writing a book has been a transformative process. As a woman who had spent the majority of her life fulfilling societal expectations and nurturing others, I was finally ready to embrace my own voice and share my story, and that of my sister, with the world.

This personal essay delves into the challenges, triumphs, and profound growth I am experiencing as I continue on this literary endeavor.

The Awakening

Having cracked the near-fifty-year family mystery surrounding the life and death of my sister, I was beyond compelled to pick up my pen and tell the world the truth about Sissy, but I was filled with doubt and anxiety, a combination of feelings I had grown accustomed to any time I attempted to do something significant.

The first step towards writing my book was a profound awakening. After years of prioritizing the needs of others and the idea that my activism was saving the world, I realized that my own dreams and aspirations had been pushed aside. It was time to reclaim my identity and give myself permission to pursue my passion for writing. This realization was both liberating and terrifying, as I grappled with self-doubt and the fear of failure. However, I am determined to overcome these obstacles and set out on this new chapter of my life.

Finding My Voice

As I began to write, I discovered that finding my voice was not as effortless as I had imagined. Years of conforming to societal expectations and abusive husbands had left me feeling disconnected from my own thoughts and emotions. I had to relearn how to express myself authentically and unapologetically. Through introspection and self-reflection, I gradually unearthed a unique perspective and narrative that would shape my book. It has been a process of rediscovering my true self and embracing the power of my voice rallied by the truth behind my words.

The Challenges of Time

One of the greatest challenges I face as a woman in her fifties writing a book is the constant battle against time. With myriad responsibilities and commitments, finding the time to write became a delicate balancing act. At first, I felt selfish, however, I refused to let this deter me. Instead, I have carved out precious moments in the early morning or late at night when sleep escapes me. It is during these stolen moments that I discover the immense joy and fulfillment that writing brings to my life.

Navigating Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is a formidable adversary that can plague any writer, regardless of age or experience. In my fifties, I found myself grappling with insecurities and questioning the validity of my story. However, I soon realized that my age and life experiences were invaluable assets. The wisdom and perspective I have gained over the years infuse my writing with depth and authenticity. I learned to embrace my unique journey and trust in the power of my words.

As a former independent journalist, I also had the power of facts to back up my words, although citation is unnecessary when writing a memoir. To me, these facts are important because my story is very complex and many may find it hard to believe. Tracking down the many news articles about what happened afforded me additional courage and a sturdy foundation from which to begin.

The Power of Community

Writing can be a solitary endeavor, but I soon rediscovered the immense power of community. Connecting with fellow writers and joining writing groups provides me with invaluable support and encouragement. These connections not only help me to refine my craft, but they also reminded me that I am not alone in my journey. Camaraderie and the shared experiences of fellow writers are a lifeline during moments of self-doubt and creative blocks. The added support of family and friends and the community I am building around my book itself is also invaluable.

The Joy of Completion

After countless hours of writing, rewriting, and editing, the day will finally arrive when I complete my book. The sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that will wash over me when it is done will be indescribable, I’m sure. It will be a testament to my resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in myself. The journey has not been easy, and it isn’t over, but it has already been transformative. I am not only writing a book but I am also rediscovering my true self and unleashing a passion that will continue to shape my life.


Writing a book in my fifties is a transformative experience that allows me to reclaim my voice, embrace my true self, and share my story with the world. It is teaching me the importance of pursuing one’s dreams, regardless of age or societal expectations. Through the challenges, triumphs, and moments of self-doubt, I have discovered the immense power of resilience, community, and self-belief. As I reflect on this remarkable journey, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to write a book that will not only touch the lives of others but also transform my own.

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